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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Only Shimmer of Hope

Tiny toddlers, frail elderly, they all long for a cuddle

But desertion makes it very hard for them to cope

For callous may think not twice to shun newborns off the cradle

Should they wait for some messiah of hope!

Bare skinned destitute die of shame and hunger

Challenged mentally are those being smirked at by the sharper

Lesser fortunates dreaming an education, ousted seeking an abode

Thou giveth life to the deprived, to thee I write an ode.


Anoop V said...

very true and touching post.

Unknown said...

Good one !

Anusha Iyer said...

Write more...

pcecil said...

wow.. finally someone who writes real meaningful verse.. really touched.. keep up the good work